Thursday, January 8, 2009


For MISRA Jan-June 2009, I was given the task as "Menteri Penerangan"...
so have to make sure all taklimats go as planned.
So penat you know....
also so "argghhhh" when at the last possible minutes, ada orang buat "kacau".

anyway, today got Taklimat for returning students. KPMM's Director gave the taklimat.

He briefed about academic perfomances, hostel probs and some of the students' attitude probs. He also reintroduced 2 major rules... the no smoking zones and the one that drew the most boos, the no berdua-duan a.k.a no dating zones. To the latter boos, he responded by... pointing his forefinger to the boo-ers and saying "saya pedulik apa sama you punya boo"... to which the whole dewan terdiam and the teachers sengih2 sampai ke telinga. He said, anyone caught going against the rules, he himself will take the action.

He was also heard and seen commenting, to the face, on how the students dressed. I was with him when he saw this one student who wore low cut jeans, tight collared-shirt, checkered belt and ugly sneakers. He asked, why are you dressed like that? To which the student, sengih2 selamba jawab, trend Sir. Terus dia jawab, then get out of KPM and go join Akademi Fantasia.

Pucat terus budak tu. Tergagap-gagap budak tu mintak maaf.

Many students told me, the new Director is strict.
Well, dah memang tanggungjawab dia...

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